Monday, February 26, 2007

My boy, Terrel.....

One of the most rewarding things about being a teacher is getting to see what my kids have chosen to do with their lives. One of my very favorite and most memorable kids is named Terrel Harris. He is #1 on OSU's basketball team and he is so much more than a wonderful athlete; he's just an all around great young man. We have kept in touch over the years and I got to see him play this weekend. I'm sure the fans were a little confused, because we were dressed in Tech clothes and cheering for the Red Raiders, but I was more interested in Terrel than anything. He got to meet Ryder for the first time and we got these pictures. Ryder loved every minute of the game, but he completely wore himself out and in spite all of our attempts, he would not wake up for pictures. That's okay, they still turned out great!

Not a whole lot has changed with mema. She is still hanging in there, but not by much. They changed her dosage tonight, because she was in a bit of pain and that's the last thing that she needs right now. Each day means that we're one closer to the end and in her case, that's a positive way to look at it. She's proven that she's not going out without a fight....bless her heart!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Come to me, and I will give you rest....

The last few days have been pretty long. My mema is nearing the end on this earth. She has gangrene and it is starting to spread through her blood stream. The only thing that can be done at this point is keep her pain free. Tonight the Dr. is placing a morphine patch on her and we've been told that it will slowly put her into a permanent sleep, but she won't feel any pain. A lot of family members came in yesterday to say their last good-by's before they start the patch. I'm on my way out there now to say my own. Death is an end to a new beginning for everyone. What kind of beginning is our decision. She is a wonderful, Christian woman who loves her Lord and her family. Nothing else really mattered to her except that everyone was happy. She sacrificed and gave up her own dreams to take care of everyone else. What a way to be remembered!!!! I don't know what these next few days have in store for her, but the one thing I'm certain of is that she going home soon. She's finally going to get her reward for having to deal with so much hurt and turmoil that this life had to offer. Am I sad, of course. Am I happy for her? I couldn't be happier. Here is a picture of her with Ryder. They both look so peaceful. I'll keep everyone informed on her condition, and make sure to announce that blessed day when she finally gets to meet her best friend, face to face!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

There's no place like home....

Throughout our married life, it seems like we have moved around so much. Each place offered different opportunity and was exactly what we needed at the time. This move back to Lubbock was such a dream come true for me. It's so wonderful to be back around our friends and family. All of my family live within 15 minutes and my inlaws are only a couple of hours away. Last night, we ate supper with my parents and sisters, and tonight with Colt's parents and his sister. I love the fact that Ryder gets to spend so much time with his grandparents, aunts and cousins. This is just one more example of how blessed we truly are.

These are just random pictures of our family. Don't you love the enthusiasm as Madi listens to his heart. The look on her face is priceless!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Two A Days....

I probably shouldn't announce to the entire world that high school, reality shows are probably our favorite shows to watch. From Real World to Maui Fever; we love them all. Anyway, I have one question...What is up with the hair do's on Two A Days??? If you watch that show, you will know what I mean. Every guy on that show has this shaggy dog look. They brush their bangs down and kind of feather them around to the side. It looks like a modified Trump hairdo. We watch the show every week and always comment on how ridiculous they look (as if we haven't made the same comment every week for the last 6 months). If you currently have this hairstyle, then I apologize for saying you look ridiculous. I'm sure it looks more attractive on you then on them.

This picture has nothing to do with my comments, but it's really cute.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Living each day as if it were your last....

Something hit me yesterday. Life is short and our days are numbered. Within the last week, I have found out about two people who are young, both married with children and terminally ill with cancer. One died last week, leaving behind a 32 year old wife and 3 small boys. The other found out this morning that she might live for another year. She has two small children. It made me think how my life would be different if I were in her shoes. How would I choose to spend my last days? How would my relationships be different? I can only count my blessings and thank God that were healthy. It makes me really put things into perspective and be appreciative that I have the important things in life. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in the everyday, trivial, tasks of life and don't stop to look at it through someone else's eyes. The next time that I get irritated because someone is driving too slow, or didn't take my order correctly...whatever; I hope that I stop to consider what their life is like. Did they just find out that they're dying? Did their husband just leave them? There are so many things bigger than me and my day to day "issues".
I know this is kind of deep, but it's something that we have a tendency to forget. Life is short; be thankful for who and what you have and live each day as if it were your last!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Maybe it will work this time....

I'm so computer illiterate that it's pitiful. This is the 2nd page that I've created because I got locked out of my own account with the 1st page. Hopefully, I will be able to get all this straightened out.

It's been quite a day. Ryder is sick and Colt has been out of town for the weekend. Him and a few of the guys went skiing/boarding in Angel Fire. With all the testosterone in their cabin, there's no telling what they've been doing. If history proves itself true, someone will lose a bet and end up naked in the snow (probably Gabe) or eating something that will eventually make them puke. In the end, I know that they are having fun and making lots of memories. Having Colt gone for a few days really does make me realize how much I need and love having him at home. I really can't imagine my life without him and God willing, will never have to. One thing is for sure, I would be a complete slob if it weren't for him. I had to "Febreze" my jeans this morning and Ryder has been in his pajamas for two days. Poor thing, at least he's not old enough to realize it. Needless to say, I'll be glad when his daddy comes home.